I began my official work of Uwishin (Shuar Shaman) in Italy in the second half of 2002, after about an year and a half I started to train my most promising students to the Shamanic Healing Way. This shamanic therapy cures the Spirit and the Soul and through them also the body.
At that time very few were speaking about shamanism in Italy and it was the first few times that somebody was trying to teach similar things.
I did a serious training, but non too in depth because people were not ready to receive that knowledge and because the commitment required for a training such as the Amazonian one it would have been too high: among other things it was necessary to travel in tropical lanscapes to be teached directly from the People of the Plants (a training called la dieta de las plantas).
The students that completed these old training courses and that demonstrated enough capacities have been reported for long time in this page.
Few years ago I saw that it was the right time for a much more serious training, just like the traditional training done in the Amazon!
I began a new cycle of courses. It involved several travels to the jungle, a deeper knowledge of the origins of the diseas and the failure in the life, an in-depth study of the different kinds of wáwek (hostile entities that cause misfortune or diseases) and
finally the acquisition of specific tsentsak (amazonian shamanic powers) necessary to eliminate the hostile entities.
The students that are following this new cycle use also more powerful means - but difficult to learn - to see the deep couses of disturbes and diseases.
In general I’m teaching them to use very powerful shamanic methods without sweethening them to meet the needs of the western vision of the world; this it has always been an obstacle to the efficiency of the shamanic ritual in the western countries!
Very few of the students that successfully completed the previous coursess wanted to follow the new cycle. The best of the these old students, continue to be reported at the end of this page.
The students of the new cycle, in contrast to what was in the past, have to pass the exam to demonstrate their capacities. Some of them, less that half of those that started the new courses, just passed this exam that admits them to the traditional apprenticeship.
The traditional apprenticeship is similar to the residency of a doctor. In this apprenticeship, the students undertake the task to help people that need help and to do curanderias (healings) in order to develop their acquired capacities and increase the experience.
All the students are very capable, otherwise they would have not passed all the challanges and tests that admitted them to the residency. Here follow the list with name and contacts.
Marco Tuna.
Author of this site. He lives in a natural area around Berlin (Germany) and occasionally in Pejo (Trento, Italy). Tel.: +49 1722758674 Whatsapp: +39 3201781129
Giuliano Nantu Rigotti.
The oldest student of Tsunki, he is following the Shaman since 2001. He has long experience in the healing practice.
He lives in Rovereto in Trentino (Italy)
Domenico Shushuí.
He lives in England (UK).
Alessio Pinchu Churuwia.
He lives in Trieste (Italy)
Donatella Mamai Porcu.
She lives in Rome and sometimes in Sardinia (Italy). Tel. +393338896318
Daniela Yanás.
She lives in Rome (Italy). Tel. +393922222288
Nico Maiellaro.
He lives in Monopoli closed to Bari (Italy). Tel. +393338290802
Alessandro Mayu Tuntíak.
He lives in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
Qualified curanderos of the old courses
These are the students that completed with success the old courses of the Shamanic Healing Way
Vittorio Kaya.
He lives in Turin (Italy).
Elena Yamá-Núa.
She lives in Turin (Italy)
Antonello Nanki Accomando.
He lives in Avellino closed to Naples (Italy)
This list correspond to that present on the italian website of our Association, administered by the Shaman with the help of a Webmaster.
WARNING! Self-appointed curanderos claim they have been our students, but if they are not in these lists, it means that they did not pass the tests and the exam necessary to be admitted to the residency or that, after they have been admitted, they interrupted it. They are people with incomplete knowledge or they are discouraged or offended by a failure - like a failed exam - and they did not show the necessary qualities of courage and strenght (animo y fuerza) to manage the Power. I do not recommend to contact them .
Francesco Tsunki de Giorgio